Leading trauma and orthopaedics clinic in Baltics

+371 6714 4013


ORTO Klīnika performs all kinds of surgeries for treating traumas, joint and spine conditions.

Joint surgeries:

  • Foot and ankle
  • Knee
  • Hip
  • Hand
  • Elbow
  • Shoulder
  • Spine

How to prepare for the surgery?

Upon discussing the surgery with the doctor, you will be issued:

  • A contract about performing the surgery;
  • Anaesthesiologist’s questionnaire;
  • Information about the possible complications during the surgery and after it;
  • Information about the tests and examinations to be done;
  • Information about the Bylaws of the clinic’s in-patient facility.

You must read these documents and sign them by the date of the surgery!

The tests and examinations should be done 10 days before the surgery!

Prior to any surgery, one should carry out:

  • Tests and examinations required for the specific surgery;
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG);
  • X-ray imaging required for the specific surgery. 

You should make an appointment with the anaesthesiologistif you have several medical problems that are not related to the planned surgery, and you are either older than 60 or younger than 18 years old.

Inpatient rooms

ORTO Klīnika has 16 inpatient rooms (mainly – semiprivate; some – private) and intensive care unit. In the rooms, there is a shower, a bathroom, wireless internet, air conditioning and cable TV.

ORTO Klīnika usually wakes the patients up in the operating room. Only after the doctors make sure that you feel good, you will be taken to the intensive care unit (in case of serious and complicated surgeries) or to your room.

Upon admission

ID bracelet.Upon admission to the inpatient facility, we will put an ID bracelet on your wrist with your name and surname on it. Should you have had serious allergic reactions, there will be a special red sticker put on your bracelet.

Appointment with the anaesthesiologist.In the morning of the surgery day, the anaesthesiologist will assess your health condition.

Please inform the anaesthesiologist about the allergies, other diseases and conditions that you have, medications that you are using, especially blood thinners and clot prevention medications, loose teeth or periodontitis, as well as if anaesthesia had previously caused you any health damage.

Calming medications. Depending on your emotional state, the night before and/or shortly before the surgery, you will be given calming medications that will reduce unrest and anxiety, and cause sleepiness. 

Depending on the specification of the surgery, at ORTO Klīnika we use:

General anaesthesia;

Regional anaesthesia (spinal, epidural, peripheral nerve blocks). 

You will be able to agree on the most suitable type of anaesthesia with the anaesthesiologist at the consultation prior to surgery.

On 26.01.2023, ORTO Klīnika SIA signed contract No. SKV-TL-2023/9 with LIAA on receiving support under the measure “Promoting International Competitiveness”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. medical acupuncture; cryotherapy;
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