Leading trauma and orthopaedics clinic in Baltics

ORTO Klīnika is the most modern clinic in the Baltics and the only private medical centre of traumatology and orthopaedics, spinal surgery and rheumatology.

Find your doctor

kategroiju select
  • Sports medicine
  • Spine
  • Shoulders and elbows
  • Hands
  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Feet
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Neurology
  • Diagnostic radiology
  • Rehabilitation
  • Other specialisations
kategroiju select-mobile


Asins krājumi kritiskā līmenī – nepieciešama sabiedrības iesaiste!

ziņo Valsts asinsdonoru centrs. 🩸ORTO Klīnikā asins pārliešana bieži vajadzīga pacientiem lielo operāciju laikā. Arī mēs esam atkarīgi no Asinsdonoru centrā nodotiem asins krājumiem. Ja Jums zināmam cilvēkam gaidāma operācija ORTO Klīnikā, atbalstiet viņu, nododot asinis!Neatkarīgi no tā, kāda ir Jūsu asins grupa vai rēzus – viss der!🩸Atbalstīsim viens otru – ziedojot asinis, varat norādīt […]
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1 2 3 681

Elkoņa locītavas rehabilitācija – fizioterapeita pieeja

Divu dienu laikā ORTO Klīnikas fizioterapeiti pilnveidoja savas zināšanas un praktiskās iemaņas elkoņa locītavas rehabilitācijas jomā, lai sniegtu mūsu pacientiem visaugstākās kvalitātes aprūpi. Mācības vadīja pieredzējusī fizioterapijas doktore un pētniece Val Jones (PT, Ph.D.) no Lielbritānijas. Val Jones ir starptautiski atzīta eksperte elkoņa locītavas rehabilitācijā ar plašu pieredzi klīniskajā praksē un pētniecībā. Viņas darbi ir […]
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Priecājamies, lepojamies, apsveicam!!

“Trīs zvaigžņu balvas 2024” sportā laureāts Mārtiņš Pļaviņš kopā ar ORTO Klīnikas traumatologu, ortopēdu Dr. Jāni Viļumu, kuram sportists pēc balvas saņemšanas sūtīja pateicības vārdus caur medijiem, tagad jau ir tikušies klātienē. Gan Dr. Viļums, gan M. Pļaviņš priecājas par veiksmīgo operāciju, pēcoperācijas atveseļošanos un augstajiem sasniegumiem sportā. 11. janvāra vakarā Mārtiņš Pļaviņš kopā ar […]
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Pieraksties ORTO Klīnikas jaunumiem

Sarunas ar mūsu ārstiem, aktualitātes un padomi

Choose your branch

ORTO Klīnika

ORTO Fizioterapija

ORTO Daugavpils

1A Bukultu Street, Riga, LV-1005
For appointments:
+371 67144013
In-patient department:
+371 67997003
+371 67144019
Rīga, Nometņu iela 61, ieeja no sētas puses (Pilsoņu ielas), 2. stāvs
Business days:
no 07.00 – 21.30
by previous appointment
Viestura iela 2, Daugavpils, LV5401
For appointments:
+371 67144013


Choose the clothes you can easily take off and that you feel comfortable in.

Doctor’s consultation

An average doctor’s consultation lasts about 15 to 20 minutes. Sometimes the problem is so obvious that diagnosing it may take much shorter time. Yet there can be cases when the person arrives to the appointment with multiple problems. Such consultation may last even longer 

However, please keep in mind that in addition to the consultation you may need other examinations, which are not included in the price of the consultation and are to be performed in accordance with the clinic’s pricelist.

Time spent at the clinic

Always allow for more time for the appointment than it is scheduled for your consultation.

Appointments and coming late

Please arrive for your appointments in sufficient time!

Please arrive to the clinic 10-15 minutes before your appointment time in order to have time for the paper-work to be done beforehand. Should you be late, please do not hesitate to call and inform us on 67144013 in order for us to reschedule your appointment when you arrive.

Take someone else with you!

Come to the consultation with your friend or significant other, who will also listen to the conversation and will be able to ask the doctor about something you might have forgotten due to possible extra stress.

Do not have any unnecessary examinations done beforehand!

Please do not have any examinations done before the doctor’s consultation based on your own considerations of your diagnosis. The particular examination you decide to undergo may be unnecessary or performed in a way that will not be informative in your case. All examinations can be performed in ORTO Klīnika after your consultation with the doctor.

At ORTO Klīnika, we provide elective care, however in case of trauma you can call our front desk and find out the possibilities to receive medical assistance from any of our clinic’s doctors. Also, if you would like us to assess the situation and adjust the treatment plan given to you at another medical institution after the first aid provided there, you are welcome to make an appointment with any of our doctors. Our physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists are experts in trauma treatment and can help you recover in the fastest and most efficient way.

No, we do not provide such treatment.

Communication channels

Should you need a consultation on your health issue, do not hesitate to opt for a remote appointment. Pieraksti – eVeselībasPunkts (eveselibaspunkts.lv)

If you are not a citizen of the Republic of Latvia or you are unable to contact us through eveselibaspunkts.lv, you are welcome to reach us via email at office@orto.lv . The clinic’s front desk will forward your request to the doctor specialising in the area you require a consultation in.

Communication content

  •  In your email letter, please provide the following information:

           – the health problem,
           – when it started,
           – situations where it intensifies,
           – disorders caused by the problem,
           – solutions used so far.

  • Results of the examinations and doctors’ opinions you have received before.


Response from the doctor

The doctor will assess how we can help you. In case of positive decision, we will offer a remote consultation (videocall in Whatsapp or Zoom). We charge for such consultation in accordance with the pricelist. Should our doctor decide that we cannot be helpful in your case, we will do our best to recommend you an institution or specialists who would be able to solve your problem.

Consultation in person

  • If you need a visa for receiving medical services in Latvia, we will prepare and send you the necessary information. When you will receive the invitation, apply to the Latvian embassy with it to receive a visa. For more detailed information, please, visit the webpage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia..
  • It is up to you to choose the most convenient means of transportation to get to Riga 
  • There will be a hospital room of your choice booked for you at ORTO Klīnika.
  • Upon coordinating the trip with the representative of ORTO Klīnika, please inform them about your specific preferences (e.g., food choices), and we will do our best to make your stay in the clinic as convenient as possible.

If you are visiting ORTO Klīnika for a surgery, all and any medical equipment (for example, crutches), should you need any, will be provided by ORTO Klīnika.

Yes, they do. Almost all doctors in our clinic are available for online consultations. For an appointment go to:Pieraksti – eVeselībasPunkts (eveselibaspunkts.lv)

In order to make an appointment, call on 67144013 or send an email on rehabilitacija@orto.lv 

Ja Jūs vēlaties sākt vingrot ORTO Klīnikā, bet Jums nav norīkojuma, lūdzu, pierakstieties uz vizīti pie klīnikas fizikālās un rehabilitācijas ārsta, lai novērtētu Jūsu stāvokli, izvērtētu muskuloskeletālās problēmas un sastādītu ārstēšanās plānu. Pēc tā varēsiet uzsākt fizioterapijas kursu ORTO Klīnikā.

Ārsta slēdziens būs pieejams 3 darba dienu laikā ( fizikālās un rehabilitācijas ārsta –  5 darba dienu laikā) ORTO Klīnikas mājas lapas sadaļā Izraksti. Veicot apmaksu par konsultāciju, Jūs saņemsiet instrukciju izraksta saņemšanai ar kodu un paroli. Izraksts būs pieejams PDF formātā 3 mēnešus.

For the appointment, the examinations or the physical therapy session you can pay after receiving the service. You can pay by card at the front desk. At the cash desk, you can pay both by card and in cash

Should you apply for the service online, you can also pay for the appointment in advance online.

SIA “ORTO klīnika”
Reg. No. 40103175305
Address: 1A Bukultu Street, Riga, LV-1005
Bank: AS Swedbank 
Account: LV16HABA0551020864623

ORTO Klīnika has contracts with five insurance companies: IF, BTA, ERGO, Gjensidige and Compensa. In order to specify the terms and conditions and the payment limits of your insurance contract, please contact your insurance company!

Settlement of accounts with clients of other insurance companies. One shall have to pay for the services provided by ORTO Klīnika in cash or by card. The client will be given a receipt stating the received services and the client’s personal data. File the receipt to your insurance company in order to be compensated for the costs. In order to specify the terms and conditions and the payment limits of your insurance contract, please contact your insurance company!

ORTO Klīnika does not participate in state funded medical care programmes. We do not receive funding from the state, and we are not a state-owned clinic. ORTO Klīnika is a private medical institution, therefore the prices for the services do not depend on whether you have or do not have physician’s referral. 

However, such referral is useful for undergoing certain examinations (like X-ray or computed tomography) because certain examinations are done at any clinic in Latvia only with the physician’s referral.

On 26.01.2023, ORTO Klīnika SIA signed contract No. SKV-TL-2023/9 with LIAA on receiving support under the measure “Promoting International Competitiveness”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. medical acupuncture; cryotherapy;
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