Musculoskeletal radiology. Sonography of joints and peripheral nerves
Professional experience:
Underwent additional training at Meilahti Clinical University Hospital in Finland, Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital in Spain and Klinikum Kassel in Germany
Lecturer at the Radiology Department of Riga Stradins University
Regularly attends international trainings, congresses and seminars, gives lectures to doctors and functional specialists both in Latvia and abroad.
A member of the most prominent Latvian and international professional medical associations
Residency in radiology at Riga Stradins University
On 26.01.2023, ORTO Klīnika SIA signed contract No. SKV-TL-2023/9 with LIAA on receiving support under the measure “Promoting International Competitiveness”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
medical acupuncture;