Leading trauma and orthopaedics clinic in Baltics

+371 6714 4013

Dr. Ēriks Ozols

Orthophaedic surgeon
15 years of experience in trauma and orthopaedics, and sports injuries
60 EUR
Make an appointment

Medical specialty:

  • Knee joint surgery (endoscopic and reconstructive surgery)
  • Shoulder joint surgery (endoscopic and reconstructive)
  • Ankle joint endoscopic surgery
  • Treatment of fractures and consequences of fractures
  • Treatment of damages of soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons)

Professional experience:

  • President of Latvian Knee Joint Surgery, Arthroscopy, and Sports Orthopaedics Association
  • Regularly participates in international trainings, congresses and seminars, reads lectures to doctors and functional specialists in Latvia and abroad
  • A member of the most prominent Latvian and international professional medical associations;


  • Residency in trauma and orthopaedics at Riga Stradins University
On 26.01.2023, ORTO Klīnika SIA signed contract No. SKV-TL-2023/9 with LIAA on receiving support under the measure “Promoting International Competitiveness”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. medical acupuncture; cryotherapy;
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